Monday, June 26, 2006

"The Great Redemption" (68)

"The Great Redemption" by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto

-- A Discourse on The End of the Exile and the Beginning of the Great Redemption

Translated by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman


Let’s return now to the subject at hand of how even tribulation comes (to you) from Yesod to Malchut, which is alluded to by the verse “just as G-d rejoiced over you to do you good” (Deuteronomy 28:63).

Now, observe that “rejoiced” (*sasson*) which is derived from Yesod has 2 (Hebrew letters) *shin*s that are comprised of 3 (Hebrew letter) vav’s each, (the 6 of) which represent Chessed, Gevurah, Tipheret, Netzach, and Hod, all 6 of which are contained in (i.e., enter into) Yesod itself. And (observe also) that all join together to form a single vav (which has the numerical value of 6). Male and Female (i.e., Yesod and Malchut) then (join together) to form a long (letter) nun, as is known. Recall that sasson is derived from Yesod as I indicated, and that happiness (simcha) is derived from Malchut.

Now, it’s written about the exile period, “Why do You stand so far away, G-d? Why do You hide yourself in times of distress” (Psalms 10:1). (That’s so) because even though G-d is always (actually) close to the Jewish Nation, He (oftentimes) appears to be far away, which is why He’s termed “a G-d who hides” (Isaiah 45:15). But let me tell you why (after the following).

It says, “My soul will weep in secret because of your arrogance” (Jeremiah 13:17) because G-d hides from the arrogance of the husks. How? Because the Jewish Nation’s sins weaken the Luminaries, the husk in its audacity was able to arrogantly attach onto a place not its own, hence it’s said “because of your arrogance”. The truth of the matter is, though, that the husk is only that audacious when the Luminaries conceal their strength as a consequence of the sins of the Jewish Nation, as I’d said.

But when they become stronger in their illuminations, the husk hasn’t the ability to look them in the face, so it turns away. Holiness then sends most of its severe Gevurah and strong Judgment (against it) and thus subjugates it. It’s said of this mystery, “I’ll make all your enemies turn the back of their necks to you” (Exodus 23:27).

But since all these Celestial Luminaries that can’t be perceived as of now will be revealed in the redemption, it’s thus written, “They’ll achieve joy (*sasson*) and gladness (*simcha*)” (Isaiah 35:10) and that “sorrow (yagon, with the long final-letter nun alluded to above) and sighing will flee” (Ibid.), because they won’t be able to endure, and G-d will take His revenge upon them.

(c) 2006 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

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Rabbi Yaakov Feldman has also translated and commented upon "The Path of the Just", and "The Duties of the Heart" (Jason Aronson Publishers). His new work on Maimonides' "The Eight Chapters" will soon be available.
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